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Chatbots for e-commerce: 6 advantages that we offer

chatbots de comercio electronico

The chatbots for e-commerce they are one of the main trends in the retail market, in this post we bring you all the information you need to know for the benefit of your business.

Chatbot is a term widely used in today and surely you have already heard, but if you still you are not clear on its meaning and the benefits of this trend for the e-commerce retailer then pays a lot of attention to this Blog article FollowUP.

Chatbots de comercio electronico 6 ventajas que nos ofrecen

What is it and what are chatbots?

The chatbot it is a automated system designed to be able to keep a flowing conversation with the customers that they have any concern generated before, during or after the process of electronic shopping. This conversation between the client and the shop is done through text or audio.

The success of the use of the chatbots in e-commerce lies in the ability to maintain a flowing conversation, just as if it were an operator of flesh and bone.

This is achieved not only through the programming, but in addition to the use of the artificial intelligence and the machine learning.

The use of such advanced technologies, the chatbots for e-commercenot only understand the human language, but also they acquire learning in each of the conversations they have with customersproviding best answers, thanks to the experience they acquire.

The chatbots eliminate many limitations that traditionally are presented in the customer care services, such as, for example, the care of 24 hours, immediacy, and solutions much more quickly and effectively to the benefit of the customer experience.

Let's review each of the major advantages of chatbots:

1. Personalized assistance

The chatbots for e-commerce have the ability to gather large amount of information in relation to the user, allowing to offer a more personalized service to consumers.

2. Accuracy in data management

Thanks to the fact that this always connected to the cloud and other information systems of the store, you can have immediate access to related data, for example; previous orders, reputation as a customer, preferences, among others.

3. To provide confidence to buyers

The permanent availability of the chatbots, causes the client to be able to feel more secure during the whole process from purchase, with the feeling that has a guide, a counselor, and even a friend who can treat you at all times, with answers-friendly and functional.

4. Human empathy

The impulse given by the technological development and the development of the artificial intelligence, makes it possible for chatbots for e-commerce to be able to communicate more naturally, interpreting the everyday language, and improving by learning obtained during each interaction, allowing for a more human empathy during the process of communication with the customer.

5. Greater customer satisfaction

The chatbots are a powerful additional tool to improve the shopping experience omnicanalthat makes it easier to provide help to the customers to buy the way they want and when they want.

6. Reduction of costs for the retailer

Keep operating a call center traditional, demand a lot of staff which will have the task of being ready to serve customers who call or write to the company to make inquiries, or complaints, that is to say, it is very costly in economic terms.

The use of chatbots helps reduce costs for the retailer in this matter, as it is a system that can cater to multiple clients simultaneously and with a good service, which means that you don't have to sacrifice quality while saving.


The retailer of modern, where the use of the online channels is on the rise, you need to make sure that you have the best technological solutions and therefore you should consider the use of chatbots to improve the process of care to your customers.

Let us remember that it is not only about selling, but to provide the best possible experience for consumers, and this is achieved by providing channels of communication through social networks and/or app that are permanently available and can establish a bond of trust with the client. This is possible through chatbots e-commerce!

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