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Christian Cafatti: Performance of retailers in 2021 and its future challenges

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Interview Christian Cafatti

CEO FollowUP Customer Experience

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The pandemic brought with it new behavior of customers when they make their purchases, and this has been reflected in the retail industry. The process of adaptation has included on all online purchases.

It is for this reason that Christian Cafatti, CEO of FollowUP CX, handed over his key thoughts on how it has played the retail industry in 2021 and what are the main challenges for what is to come.

Christian Cafatti: Retail 2021

On the national stage, we have been able to observe that, despite the closures of malls and shops, the conversion rate has been increasing. This means that, although the flow in stores is low, the costs of customers has been increased, in comparison to previous periods.

On the other hand, with the progress of the vaccination process and the drop in daily cases, quarantines have been rising, and the shops and shopping centers have reopened their doors.

“With the opening and change of more advanced stages, there is an opportunity in the short term that the industry should take advantage of, purchase intent increased, the people come out to buy, and that is reflected in the sales triggered”.

Christian Cafatti: Performance of retailers in 2021 and its future challenges

 Next challenges: Retail 2021

What's next then, for the months left of this year, according to Cafatti, included in the first place, always be prepared for an eventual return to the confinement.

“There are positive positions, which are based on the high rate of vaccination that exists at a country level and show that this should not be an impediment in the near future, but you must always be prepared for an eventual closing.”

In the second place, it is important to figure out how to monetize the new customers online. Sales of retail by online channels, they came to a 40% of total sales during this last period, so it's important to keep those customers.

 “You have to be smart in capture those users, achieve to keep them interested independent of the channel used at the time of purchase, but who remain loyal”.

The third main challenge facing the retail industry for the remainder of 2021 is the sale of logistics infrastructure, to the extent that the physical sales come back to be the main channel of purchase and the platforms on line passed to a second plane.

Therefore, the biggest challenge is to manage the return to the classroom for the stores and shopping centers, however, do not forget about the customers that came through online channels, and don't leave this channel side. Also take this into account in case of an eventual return to confinement.


Follow UP Customer Experience

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