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Display for clothing stores: why are the keys?

Display para tiendas de ropa

There are very important keys that you need to follow to spark the interest of customers, for this reason, you must pay a lot of attention in terms of the development of Display for clothing stores. Discover in this post!

Choose the best merchandise to please your clients is only a first step to achieve success in the fashion retail, since there are other key factors which will depend on the sales. Such is the case of the form that you use to display the clothing.

The retailers most successful have discovered interesting marketing techniques that you too can take advantage of to incorporate them into your store and to achieve the optimization of your sales and earnings.

In this article we will share the best recommendations in terms of the display for clothing stores.

Strategies to display in a clothing store

In the search for the best display for clothing storeyou must explore alternatives in terms of the design of your spaces, looking for something that is functional but also that suits the design and aesthetics in general of the store.

Screens or displays that you choose to display your apparelshould play in your favor and not against you, hence the importance of stopping to plan and make the best decision.

If you are wondering why is it so important? The answer is simple; a good display can be decisive for that the client can detect the article that you like, but also make you feel pleased by the atmosphere in general of the store. Let us consider in more detail these strategies:

1. Choose your displays

To display your items of clothing you should make use of tables, shelves, floor, and wall, boards, cabinets, shelves hallway and mannequins. For example, the mannequins allow your customers to see combinations of items and highlight certain high demand items or those that are on sale.

2. Format of presentation of the clothes

There is No definite answer as to the choice of displaying your hanging garments or bent, as this decision should be taken by managers and consultants of the shop according to the distribution of the physical space available.

3. Display vertical

If you're working in a small space it will be convenient to show the garment by applying a marketing strategy visual in vertical position. For example, if you're selling a new collection of summer dresses, it is convenient to display vertical hanging garments in a high place where it facilitates the display from any angle of the store.

It is advisable to combine your display along with ornaments paper pendants or lamps, this with the objective of attracting the attention of the buyers.

It is also possible to take advantage of the verticality on the screens of your store including displays at different levels of height, which allows to encourage buyers to explore and to make it seem like the local much bigger.

4. The constant renewal

In such a dynamic industry as the fashion, it is of utmost importance constant renewal of the displays of the store. It is recommended that you make periodic changes and all kinds of rotations that allows you to always show something different to your customers.

Some experts recommend that, in order to not mislead your regular customers, it can be favorable to change at least one of the displays on a daily basis.

Especially when the case involves a special offer of clothing, this should be removed in a reasonable time, otherwise the client will not take seriously the offer and you will lose the impact and the possibility of capture sales impulsive.


In short, there is to be taken very seriously Display for clothing storessince these make it possible to arouse the interest of the clients, making them stop to observe, touch, choosing, and finally buying a particular garment.

It is essential to make use of the visual merchandising with the aim of decorate and to place the displays in strategic locations around the store, everything is designed in function of providing a satisfactory experience for the customer looking to look good and confident in your store to do so.

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