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Studies of consumption: the importance of having them to hand

estudios de consumo

To know the reasons that move the client to take their decisions is critical in the retail industry, hence the need to always have on hand studies of consumption. Discover its importance below!

In an industry as competitive as the retail trade, it is necessary to have everything well-controlled, through the ongoing analysis of all the aspects that involve the business. To study the behavior of customers is just as important as having a well-stocked shop and planned.

It is not surprising that many people devote themselves to work analyzing the behavior of the consumer and in the design strategies that allow them to influence their behavior the benefit of strengthening the link with a specific store.

From there we set out to explain in detail which is the need of the studies of consumption in the retail industry.

Importance of studies of consumption

The consumer behavior respond to certain stimuli that fail to influence the point of carrying it to buy certain products in a shop or a specific channel. There is a number of reasons, ranging from the urge, the need, wants, or demands.

Also involved other factors that may lead the customer to buy, such as the so-called lifestyle or style of living, and purchases of urgency, which may arise at unexpected times and that the retailer should know how to respond to them for the benefit of their relationship with the consumer. 

1. Increase your income

Using the studies of consumption it is possible to improve your sales figures in the store, which is achieved by adapting the strategies used for the marketing of products so that customers interested in purchasing.

2. Product catalog

The continuous observation of the behavior of your customers it will help you to detect major weaknesses, such as the existence of gaps in the portfolio of products that you sell in your store, taking you to explore new providers that allow you to offer a wide range of much more full articles.

3. Brand value

The studies of consumption also allow to measure as it is positioned on your brand and the products that you sell in the store, this is important because in some cases, each time it is necessary to restructure image with the purpose of obtaining greater benefits, improving the perception on the part of consumers and potential customers.

4. Market trends

It is so variant customer behavior that it is necessary to review the changes of trends that suffers the market, such as, for example, the growing shift of the preference of a significant segment of consumers to a healthier diet, as well as certain styles when it comes to dressing, among other trends.

5. Competitiveness analysis

One of the main reasons to carry studies of consumption in retail it is, without a doubt, the power to decrypt the reasons that lead a customer to purchase at another store and what are the products of more demand for your competitors.

This information will allow you to take the necessary corrective action before it is too late and drive your sales through the analysis of the behavior of buyers.

6. Sales forecast

The studies of consumption allow the sales forecastthat translates in to provide the company with a significant savings, by not wasting resources in the purchase of large volumes of products that are sold only in one season specifies.

Means that help the retailer to reduce their storage costs and marketing, leading to a better management of economic resources.


To be able to know the reasons that determine the behavior of customers, it makes it easier for the retailer the power to decipher important indicators that mark the success or failure of your business. 

That is why it is recommended to the constant development of studies of consumption allow yourself to have first-hand information provided by the customers themselves, who ultimately represent a key element in the trade and retail.

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