It's important for every retailer to understand the level of attraction of their stores. FollowUP helps you to measure whether your brand is being considered by capturing traffic at the point of sale using cutting-edge technology. Once the consumer is inside, do you know how they interact? Did your product generate interest? With our conversion management solution, you can detect opportunities and optimize your business operationally.
This product allows you to visualize a wide range of reports that will help you understand your business. Get insights into your key commercial indicators such as traffic flows, average ticket size, and conversion rate. Identify and address the real-time performance of your store, effectively plan your operational and commercial tasks.
The platform provides a user-friendly interface with a general management dashboard for stores, offering comparative periods by hour and by categories. Access traffic flows, conversion rates, dwell times, average concurrency, and measurement of storefront behavior.
How do we do it?
To track traffic trends and manage the conversion rate, we utilize the best 3D people counting technology. With 98% accuracy, our sensor captures the number of individuals entering the premises, distinguishing between adults and children. It also performs demographic analysis based on gender and age, excluding sales personnel from the count.