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How can it affect to the sales price policy?

Politica de precios


In retail, there are many factors that affect the sales volume, among them the pricing policy do you know what is best for your business? Find out in this post.

Each of the factors and processes that are involved within the retail should be considered and evaluated continuously in order to detect any errors that prevent achieving the goals of the company. Let us remember that the satisfaction of our customers is very closely linked with the income accruing to the store by the concept of sales.

The routine may end up becoming the worst enemy to prevent the growth of your business, therefore, it is important to avoid repeating the mistakes, and instead, they should encourage the use of new strategies that will help the retailer in obtaining positive results for the business.

One of the factors that commonly affects the retail corresponds to the pricing policy used in your store, which can affect positively or negatively on the sales indices. Usually it is evaluated as important indicators such as; the selection of the most profitable products, as well as the study of the demand of their customers.

Let's see here in detail, as you can see affected in function of the pricing policy that you use in your shop.


Types of pricing policies

  1. Based on demand:

Sometimes the retailers decide to implement a pricing policy based on the lawsuit, which uses as reference the behavior of the client and the attributes of the product to fix the price public sales of certain items.

The success of the use of this pricing policy will depend on you to be able to determine with great precision, which is the amount of products that will demand your clientele.

  • Based on the value:

When you use a pricing policy on the basis of value, this is determined according to a combination between the actual costs and the perception of the customer on the value of the product.

That is to say, the consumer can add value to the price via your opinionby analyzing their level of satisfaction with respect to the product and encouraging others to pay more for that item.

  • Based on the competition:

The retailer sets the selling price, on the basis of what their competitors they are charging for the same product, and place its value, the more the high, low, or at the same level of their business competitors.

This pricing policy influence quickly in the clients, be able, for example to attract new buyers, who choose to log in to your store in search of the same quality, but paying much less.

  • Cost-based

It is a pricing policy simple and fast implementation, which is to determine on the basis of the calculation of the percentage of fixed gain and the cost of production or purchase of the product, what will be the sale price in the shop.

Take note of these keys

If you are looking to define or revise pricing policy of your store, you must take into account the perspective of the client, making a constant evaluation of the comments and the return products by part of the buyers.

Whatever the type of pricing policy implemented, requires a deep understanding of market trends, as well as an ongoing study of the competition, the needs of the client and of the costs of acquiring and marketing at the level of retail.

We can say that the key to all this lies in the establishment of a pricing policy it really attractive to the consumers, where it reaches the perfect formula, to balance profit margins positive for the retail and competitive prices to attract the customers and that they can be satisfied.


To determine the best policy or pricing strategy to implement in your business retail, it is important to define what will be the market segment in which you want to work with, because if it points to a sector in which consumers are price-sensitive, then the actions will be different to those markets where it is valued more the quality and the brand.

Our best advice is that evaluate constantly the behavior of your strategieswith the aim of detecting any issues that may affect your performance and to design new policies that will help drive sales and provide the highest levels of satisfaction to your clientele.


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