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5 technologies business intelligence most used

Tecnologias de Inteligencia de Negocios

The correct handling of the data of the tent give you an advantage in the management of retail, the importance of being up to date with the technologies of business intelligence ¡Actualizate here!

Even for small companies in the retail sector, the magnitude of the data currently available increases with the passing of each minute, for this reason, if our problem a couple of decades ago was the inability to make good decisions due to insufficient information, today the scenario is totally opposite.

We can say that now a shop generates too much information and this leads to the need to recognize the importance of the different technologies of business intelligence available today.

The Business intelligence or also known as Business Intelligence by your word in English, can be defined as the ability to get value from large volumes of data, or Big datathrough the use of tools and techniques to discover, collect and analyze information beneficial to the management of the store.

These are some of the technologies of business intelligence most recommended for those responsible for the decision making.

1. Data Warehouse or data Storage

A data warehouse (DW, DWH), or a data warehouse enterprise (EDW) is a system that can be used for the data analysis and that also allows it to be integrated for the generation of reports.

Suppose that you wish to view the data of the shopping of shoes for children in the past 5 years. Far from representing a headache this task can be accomplished through the use of a data warehouse to integrate data from one or more sources.

A data warehouse is useful if you want to have a general idea of the state of the store, in addition to preserving historical data, to improve the quality of the data, or to merge all the data from different sources into a single data model.

2. Dashboards or Boards

A dashboard is a user interface information, which allows you to read the easy way the collected data in real time is able to show a visual representation of data through charts and tables.

Dashboard retail

The panels show summaries, key trends, comparisons, and exceptions in current and historical data. This can let you to quickly see the performance and the status of the different parts of an organization and thus make better business decisions.

3. Ad Hoc Reports

Ad Hoc means “for this”, and refers to a solution that was created to give a response to a question or problem specific. Ad-hoc reports are a trade term common that makes reference to a model which is produced with the purpose of answering a question specific trade.

An example of its use is the following case; a store manager retailyou must decide to purchase a lot of new products, to help in the decision-making you can use an ad hoc report in order to determine whether the purchase would increase the profitability.

informe para una tienda

4. Data discovery

The data discovery it is essentially a tool of pattern search to find a comprehensive structure among dozens of fields in large relational databases, which can be a difficult task.

An example of discovery of data; the analysis of the patterns of regional sales of coffee, allowing to discover if the customers are young people who come to the store to buy more coffee from Monday to Friday, during the weekend and if these are more likely to buy milk and sugar to go along with your preparation.

5. Data in the cloud

The data services in the cloud are increasingly used, a growing number of companies demand the use of this technology business intelligence due to its high efficiency and capabilities of storage almost infinite that you can offer.

The use of data services in the cloud means you can access data storage, management of customer relations, enterprise resource planning, and marketing automation from anywhere.

The activities of integration, transformation, management and security of data is no longer tied to the hardware, this means that you can access the information from any place at any time, by providing greater speed, reliability, and security to unprecedented levels.

Technological tools in the service of the retail

To get the most out of Business Intelligence it is recommended the use of technological tools that allow to mark the difference between one shop and another, because of the reliability of the data management will largely depend on its success or failure.

To understand that technology is an ally makes it necessary to find a portfolio of tools to facilitate our management, emphasizing the solutions offered by the startup, Latin american Intelligenxia Data Driven Solutions.

Though at times the management of data can be overwhelming, Intelligenxia provides your system Management Retail Expert Level, which is designed to respond to the current needs of the stores driven by data.


To achieve the best levels of sales and providing customer satisfaction are points of honor in the competitive market of retail modern, which motivates the constant application of new strategies to achieve and maintain those growth targets.

For this reason, it is convenient to use the technologies of business intelligence to gather and track data efficiently, allowing you to really know the customer, in addition to measuring the performance of the operations of the store.

In conclusion Business Intelligence makes it possible to live the experience of an environment data driven that will reverberate in global benefits.

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