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Shop omnicanal: know your top 10 features

tienda omnicanal

The next step towards the future of retail has a name, it is the shop omnicanal Do you know how it works? In this post I tell you everything.

The stores omnicanal they are equipped with a self-service devices that facilitate the process of selection of products and payments, and integration of online sales, always thinking about the comfort of the client.

According to data of the giant retail Wallmart in Mexico, Latin american country where it has since it is practiced the concept of this kind of stores, the client omnnicanal purchase 3 times more than the consumer conventional.

This happens precisely because of the ease that represents the interaction with digital media, by having a point-of-sales standing at their fingertips through mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, or computers in general.

Main features of a store omnnicanal


  1. As your buyers will not feel as being anonymous when entering your store because it has sensors able to identify them at the time of entry, welcoming them by name and by supporting you step by step during your visit, to enrich your experience when you feel that you are receiving a treatment truly personalized.
  2. To be a store concept that integrates all channels possible to the interaction of the customer with the retailer, it is necessary to offer the service free of charge Wifi, which in addition to facilitating the process of buying and selling, will appeal to customers who currently prefer to be connected to the greater number of hours as possible each day.
  3. Thinking about the comfort of its customers, the omnicanalidad allows you to place your orders in advance and cancel without the need for long queues or lines. It is for this reason that shop omnicanal offers his station Drive Thru to pick up their orders without getting out of the car.
  4. In the case of products such as sausages, meats, cheeses, salchichonería, fruits and vegetables, which need to be cut and heavy, the shops most cutting-edge feature stations autoscan to tag products quickly and easily.
  5. Since the racks, shelves, or gondolas cease to be the protagonists in a shop omnicanalas in its place there are kiosks and digital panels, where it is possible to gain access to colorful and extensive catalogues of all products available in stock in where via touch it is possible to select even the option of home delivery.
  6. You can also help your clients to buy a gift, as is done in the e-commerce, the item comes ready to hand thanks to the service of wrapping and greeting card, this being a more attractive to buy them.
  7. By integrating digital channels with the physical store, it is possible to allow the customer to visit the website of the store, be able to pre-schedule an appointment to make sure the product seen online it is really to your liking.
  8. But it does not end here, because the experience of buying in a store omnicanal makes maximum use of the technological resources implementing the virtual reality as a tool to display for example as would a new set of furniture in the exact space of your room. 
  9. To streamline one of the processes considered to be the most tedious part of the customers who prefer to opt for online shopping, in stores omnicanal have developed a pos system with auto-scan, which allow you to simplify the payment processensuring an experience much more pleasant for your customers.
  10. In the stores onmicanal there are no limits in terms of technological innovation pensanda in customer satisfaction, as it is a concept thought of saying goodbye to the rows, allowing for since the payment without contact to the simple but revolutionary use your fingerprint to authorize the payment medium


If you create happy moments for your customers, the store omnicanal is the future of retail available right now. The goal is to integrate the best of the experience retail the physical store, with new technologies available, making it possible for a total integration between the various channels of interaction available between the client and the store.

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