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Anchor store: know its main characteristics

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Do you understand how it works the retail in the big shopping centres? Discover in this post the features of an anchor store and it's starting to increase your sales! 

A anchor store it is a type of retail store important is used to drive the business to retailers smaller. These larger department stores or grocery stores are generally part of a retail chain, and they work within the spaces of a large shopping center or mall.

But before detailing the features of an anchor store it is important to better understand the context that surrounds this retail model.

What is an anchor store?

A anchor store is a retailer big that is incorporated in a shopping center or other commercial structure along with other retailers smaller. Its purpose is, as its name indicates, “anchor” the shopping centre and support to other stores, attracting a large volume of consumers and set the location as a destination of purchase viable and attractive.

Thanks to their large advertising budgets, and its wide range of products in high demand, the anchor stores help to attract customers to the shopping center. These buyers often have to spend money both on the anchors as in the smallest retailers.

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The patterns established at the international level in this field argue that a shopping center requires at least two anchor stores to succeed, and that the linear pattern of the shopping center is bipolar, where one of these stores will be located in each end, so that the buyers, who travel from one to the other will travel the whole.

The anchor stores they are often the only ones in a shopping center that have their own external facades, signage and posts, and in fact, the design of the building and the parking lot they are often designed to encourage buyers to enter and pass by these stores to get to the rest of the spaces in the shopping center.

Importance and characteristics of an anchor store

1 - A anchor store it is the one that increases through the reputation of his name traffic of buyers  close to your location. It is likely that consumers, attracted by the brand visit the commercial center and, therefore, the sales and profits of the nearby stores increase with the presence of the anchor.

2 - This type of stores they are very desired by the malls, proof of this is that the cost of their rent or rents are discounted, creating a positive externality for the retail stores of the mall.

3 - Another reason why the retail store can increase the traffic of customers in a shopping mall is the saving on travel costsgiven that the department stores sell commodities in many different categories.

In this way you can encourage customers to visit the stores to economize on transportation costs. This effect may explain why the department stores are considered as stores of type anchor.

4 - The presence of a anchor store will increase the number of consumers who visit the commercial center, taking as attractive the low price that offer, which also reduces the profit margins of the specialist retailers.

5 - If the reduction in profit margins due to increased competition is offset by the effect of increased traffic, the anchor store tiene an incentive to partner with specialist retailers.


The anchor stores they are businesses that attract a large number of customers to a business area. In the world of retail, a anchor store it is one of the largest within a shopping center.

Between the features of an anchor store is the anchor to the development of the shopping centre and attract a large number of visitors. In general, there are large chains of retail stores, but the grocery stores or supermarkets  can also be considered as anchor stores.

The anchor stores are considered so vital to the health of a shopping center that their rents often have a huge discount and may even receive financial incentives to stay open if they have financial difficulties.

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