Do you know what consumers think of your store? Through the customer reviews it is possible to obtain this valuable information and use it to benefit your business-find out how in this post!
If you think that the comments that the consumers of your store leave through the social network, or on your own web-based platformjust a simple requirement to be up to date with the trends, I regret to inform you that you are wrong, because they the opinion of your customers is a valuable source of data that will help you to boost your business.
In fact, you should know that customer reviews represents a tool of very low cost, and excellent results. The power of reviews posted by your customers are some of the factors that have the greatest influence to your potential customers when making the decision between buying in your shop or leave towards the competition.
We need to understand in principle that customer reviews there are more than a personal view of the experience they had with your shoptherefore, each time you make a sale, it is generating an opinion.
To understand all the aspects that involve the management and utilization of the customer reviewswe recommend you to read carefully this post exclusive Blog FollowUP and you'll see how to improve your sales.
Importance of customer feedback
Confidence is the key to make your company sells, however, to be worthy to earn the trust of a client it is not an easy task, because it is not worth just to have social media and a website's nice where you say that you're the best, it is much more complicated than that.
Consumers no longer trust so blindly what they say the firms themselves, but in what they say their peers, that is to say the other buyers who have already had previous experience with a store and transmit such information, either positive or negative.
We can say that the reviews that you left scattered on the internet consumers in your store are not directed to you as a retailer, but your potential customerstherefore, these comments are key to convey this confidence you need to sell.
Benefits for your business
- They are cheap, in fact, obtain opinions from your customers is absolutely free.
- Customer feedback build confidence, so the more they are the better for it.
- Improve the reputation of your brand, and in consequence increase the value of your company.
- The opinions of consumers contribute to the improvement of the conversion ratiosthanks to the growth of sales.
- Also the benefits will be reflected in the improving the Return of investment, better known as ROI.
The key is to motivate
As already mentioned previously, each time you make a sale you're generating an opinion on the part of the client on the basis of their experience, however, you should seek motivation to make that comment to be published on the internet.
As retailers not only you are looking for a simple opinion, but a recommendation that will benefit from the hands of a client of yours that you have purchased, addressed to a potential customer who is considering to buy.
To achieve this goal of getting an opinion from your customers, there are a number of important recommendations that will guarantee good results:
- It offers to your customers a value higher than what they expect to receive, that is to say, bonifícalos, give them a discount or sorpréndelos with an experience unimaginable. The client used to respond to this stimulus with a thanks in the comment format.
- Ask your customers directly, these recommendations, creates feedback with them and so generaras the trust necessary for these opinions openly and share with other customers.
- You have to have them at easynothing complicated forms where demand codes and other steps that end up alienating customers.
As you read, today it is imperative to have a platform that allows to translate the recommendations and opinions of your customers, and to be able to automate the process in order to follow up on those comments, manage, and publish them, that they may be seen by the largest possible number of consumers.
The trust is one of the key factors in the process of retail purchase, that's why you need to make sure to generate the customer reviewsas a means to attract more consumers and strive to implement strategies that ensure the best experience for them.