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Hours retail: what it is, what it means and its importance

horario retail

We are always looking for customer satisfaction and to achieve this it is necessary to take into account the hours retail. Discover why it is so important in the next post.

To be successful in the world retail it is a complicated task, as it is based on pay attention to those details large and small that are involved to provide a quality service, which is reviewed by the customer and will generate satisfaction  when you go to do their shopping in the store.

We know that it is important to have enough stock of goods, with staff trained and attentivedispose of variety and deals on products, among many other aspects that contribute to the shopping experience and increase revenue.

However we can not overlook an aspect that although it may seem minor, it is of utmost importance to the client, this is the Hours retail.

What is the schedule for retail?

As its name indicates the hours retail is the length of time established from the opening until the closing of the store, which is developed with the purpose of providing many hours of attention to the client and considering the number of sales staff available.

horario de una tienda

Set the opening hours a grocery store can be difficult, because if the idea is more logical would be to stay open as many hours as possible, this brings with it a series of operating expenses that force us to review the cost structure of the store.

Factors that influence

At the time of establishing a hours retail it is important to consider which are the various factors involved:

Preferences of the customers

Consumers take into consideration the type of products they will buy to determine the times at which they will go to a retail, for example:

In relation to consumer goods daily, such as food, hygiene, health or medications, this kind of shopping can be performed without fixed hours during the week. While in the case of consumer goods, occasional, there is a very strong tendency to purchase them during the weekends.

Evaluate the competition

It is important to review the times that work shops nearby, since customers may decide to visit the competition in the event that your store is closed while the other is operational.

It is also necessary to consider the activity from the area in which is located the store in order to determine the hours and days of increased activity of potential customers.

The Hours retail you have the ability to have a positive or negative manner depending on the strategy implemented, so that is why it is important to address the following recommendations with the aim of achieving the best possible results.


1. Knowledge of the client

It is fundamental to be able to get to know the client's business even before you enter the store, to the extent that records of their shopping habits and your experience, you also get valuable data to establish a schedule tailored to your needs.

2. To control and measure the activity of the store

The data generated by the client providing details to support the development of strategies and decision making, that is why it is advisable to measure:

– The number of people that go ahead and also those entering the store, as well as the times at which they do so.

– The conversion rate of sales, to learn about the hours and days of the week in which to report the highest income in the shop.

3. Use the best technology in retail

The method is more efficient and effective to find out all of the information generated by the client is on the use of technological tools designed for the industry of retail, being the package of solutions Intelligenxia  the most in demand in Latin America.

For any need in terms of retail portfolio of products offers a solution, as is the case of the People counting expert level, which allows to measure all the required data in relation to clients, enabling us to find the path traced out, the experience and above all, who are they?.


We know the importance of planning for a hours retail designed on the basis of the needs of the client and therefore, it is essential to gather all the information possible in order to know them better and provide them with an experience 100% satisfactory.

Have the ability to adapt to the customers is a strength you can contribute in the success of the store, this is why you have to be open to constant changes and make the necessary updates so that everything functions correctly for the benefit of the buyers and hence the sales.

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