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What is the Sell-Through in retail sales?

Sell Through 1

Do you know how much of the goods that you receive from your vendors is actually sold in your store? To decipher this question exists Sell Throughdiscover its use in retail in this post.

The retail trade requires the ongoing implementation of strategies and the constant review of the results of these, with the purpose of measuring the customer satisfaction, but also to be able to calculate the income of the shop, that is why it is essential that managers are trained to be able to analyze the numbers generated by this activity.

A metric of utmost importance to calculate how much of the available inventory in the store is being sold, is the Sell Throughthen we invite you to know all the benefits that can bring, and because of the fact that is so common in our industry.

Sell Throught What is it?

In principle, in order to facilitate the understanding of this term in English, can be translated as sales arranged, is a metric that allows you to calculate the amount of inventory a retailer receives from a manufacturer or supplier for determine with accuracy how much of the merchandise is actually sold to the client.

The Sell Throught it is recommended to measure the percentage of the inventory of your store that has a higher demand among consumers during the span of a month.

This period of time makes a difference with the inventory turnover, which is also very used to analyze the behavior of the sales, but is used as a minimum for the span of a year.

Remember that the longer you stay an article on a shelf or gondola of your tent, much more money it will cost.

Because, although it may seem that you are not costing silver, in reality if you generate losses to occupy spaces that could be used to display other items in greatest demand.

How do you calculate the rate of Sell-Through?

As we have already mentioned, it is able to determine how many of the available products are being more demanded by customers, for this we use the following formula.

If, for example, in your store you have 100 items in your inventory, but it turns out that only one beam made 50 sales, means that you have 50% of Sell Trought rate.

It is important to understand that not is used to measure the volume of sales, that is not to determine the total number of units of the same article which were sold, but the number of articles by separate recorded sales, counting each product as one individual.

The formula for this calculation is very simple:

Sell Throught= sales/stock available x 100

Let us apply to this formula in order to better understand its usefulness, if, for example, at the end of a month you get 20 sales from a total of 100 products available for the choice of the customer, then the calculation is as follows:

Sell Throught= 20/100 x 100 = 20%

Importance of its use

When measuring the rate of sales closed it is possible to see the actual movements of your sales, what will allow you to improve the decision making in regard to the purchase of products to cater to your shelves, and therefore to avoid or reduce the economic losses to your business.

Means that your application allows you to measure the performance of your products for sale, according to the selection of the consumers of the store, which will impact short-term economic benefits for your business, thanks to which you will be better informed to take decisions.


The Sell Throught or sales arranged, is a metric that allows you to establish a comparison between the amount of inventory that you receive the retail against what they actually buy, the customers of your store.

To calculate this value is fairly simple, and guarantee good results in the benefit of your business and the clients, which, in addition to providing valuable data, focus better at the retailer in a while to what are these items and brands that would like to see displayed in the aisles of your store.

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