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Stores Flagship: 8 key features to understand them

Tiendas Flagship

There is a term naval which has been adapted to the world of retail to define a new concept of marketing, it is the Shops Flagship Store Do you know what this is about? Here you we have!

Have you ever heard of a “flagship” slang nautical? This term is used to refer to the best of all the boats, the one who is able to receive the highest praise, for being the largest, the most powerful, most new or the leader of the fleet.

But it raises another question What does this have to do with retail? Even if it doesn't seem like it saved a lot of relationship, much attention is paid to this post Retail Analytics.

What are the stores Flagship?

Just as if it were a gigantic flagship, a Flagship is the flagship store in a retail chain. It will take the leadership for being the most awesome, best-stocked and unique in its style.

The role played by the shops Flagship store is attract the customers towards the brand, going even beyond sales. This is because the approach to them is directed towards the experience and the creation of a shop destination, for its unique attractions, people wishing to visit.

It is important to be able to differentiate the use of the term Flagship, for example, tends to get confused with the first store was created by a retail chain which would be considered as “main”. But this does not mean that it has something to do with the title of flagship stores.

The success of this concept has come so far that there are several cases in the world in which the stores have become so iconic that have come to be known by visitors as a real tourist attractions.

The concept of the shops flagship store it was imported into Latin America and other regions of the world from the united States, where it is also called these stores as concept store.

Some examples of the location chosen to raise the most emblematic shops flagship store, are the shopping districts of the major economies of the world such as 5th Avenue in New York city, High Street in London and the Nanjing Road in Shanghai.

Tiendas Flagship2

Main features of the Flagship

  1. In the first place, it is very large spaces or rooms, many square meters where it is customary to offer the entire catalog of products available from the brand.
  2. The shops flagship store they are always located in the most emblematic streets and trademarks of the great cities of the globe.
  1. When choosing the right space for the operation of a flagship, is usually to opt for buildings with a architecture.
  2. Also, the design of this type of premises is taken care to the detail, because it is a vital aspect to the image of the signature, which is the main objective of the investment made to build this type of stores.
  3. The design of the shops flagship store should convey the values of the firm, for which they require an elaborate interior design project that draws attention and that offers a totally different experience to the customer.
  4. Obviously build a flagship store is not cheap and requires a lot of effort, in addition to a high economic investment in designs and rentals or leases.

However, the investment is well worthwhile, because of their special characteristics arouse the interest of the press to receive free coverage that proves to be invaluable to a brand.

  1. The shops flagship store must offer exclusive merchandise customers cannot get in any other location retail chain.
  2. The sole purpose of the shops flagship store should not be just to earn moneybecause the important thing is to transform the spaces into this imposing vessel of your brand, to which they all want the address to see for themselves the why of his fame.


Since the points of sale retail's most important brands, the flagship offering an added value, since they seek to offer a different experience to the customer, that is so attractive that you will end up becoming a topic of conversation with friends and a social gathering point, and not only commercial.

For this reason, they usually have entertainment areas in which the client can go to relax and to discover more about the philosophy of the brand and everything it has to offer in terms of its catalogue of exclusive products.

In summary, a flagship store should offer a buying experience fun and memorable, which makes the user feel much more connected to the store.

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