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The 8 types of retail stores more common

tienda de retail

Trade retail is characterized by meeting the diverse needs of the customers, which is why there are several types of retailers did you know? In this post, you will learn a lot more. 

Let us start from the base, a retail, it is a commercial enterprise whose main source of revenue comes from the direct sale to the final consumer. But given the diversity of the consumption habits of customersthere are several types of retail stores.

From the point of view most basic, all the retailers serve the same function, however, it is not entirely true, since each type of retail store varies in relation to your target audience, your expertise and, even at the level of prices at which it sells its products.

According to the consumer behavior and the skills of the manufacturers and traders, there are several types of retail stores in the market. Below we will explain to you in which is in each one.

1. Department Stores

One of the main types of retailers are department stores, which are usually located in shopping centres. It is characterised by having many products under one roof, selling diversity of items, such as clothing, accessories, toys, furniture, home appliances and many different things.

2. Multitiendas or convenience stores

This type of stores are the closest to the home, those that provide customer products with the most basic in a timely manner and at times that you don't have much time to visit the big box stores.

These are small shops that don't have too many categories or depth in their line of products. Usually have 2 to 3 types of each products and low-volume stock.

3. Specialty shops

A specialty store is one that focuses on one or maximum two specific categories of products. The advantage we have is that this type of shopping is that, in it, the client will find many things related to that specialty that will probably not be achieved easily get in other stores of type generic.

For example, in a store specializing in sports, the consumer may choose between a very full range of gym equipment, rackets, balls, shoes and in general everything that you might need to practice some sport or go to the gym.

4. Supermarkets

It can be considered as one of the types of retail stores are the most common, the supermarkets offer a wide variety of product categories in the majority of those related to the needs of the home.

For example, varieties of food, fruits and vegetables, cleaning products and personal hygiene, among other items.

The supermarkets are the favorites of a good portion of the market buyers, as they have many variants of the same product, what differentiates them from the convenience stores.

5. Hypermarkets

Hypermarkets can be considered as the elder brothers of the supermarkets, are retail stores that are characterized by being of enormous size and for having many different categories in his belt.

This type of retail store are usually not found in the shopping centers, as they may rather be considered the same as you are shopping centers by themselves.

6. Drugstores or pharmacies

Pharmacies or drugstores, as they are known in some Latin american countries, are those retail stores devoted specifically to the sale of medicines. Although it is considered as specialty shops, today they have expanded their market, having a lot more square feet than before selling other items, although his main focus continues to be the health.

7. Discount stores

The discount stores are characterised by selling their wide range of products at the lowest price, offering a great discount that attracts the customers. This is possible thanks to the fact that they buy products in large volumes to manufacturers.

To achieve prices as attractive to retailers that manage this kind of shops use strategies, something risky, in those who earn very little or even sell regardless of the negative margins, anything to attract a large number of customers.

8. Online shops

Currently we can not overlook the e-commerce stores, even there are those who insist that it is the future of retail. Most of the specialized retail and general practitioners, have their own platform for online sales.

Even we can already see that many brands have their own shops, online retailers, eliminating the middlemen and selling directly to the end customers.


The retail trade is and will be highly competitive. There's No denying the fact that the cost of operation is high and margins are low. However, the retail covers such a disadvantage with the large rotation and the volume that can reach to sell.

There are many types of retail stores, and this translates into immense possibilities for the client to browse and find exactly what you want, but also for retailers that have a greater field of action to market their products and get a better income, especially now when there is the possibility to also sell on-line.

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