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Drinking habits: what they are, types and keys to get to know them

habitos de consumo

Many factors influence the customer at the time of making the decision of how, when, and where to buy them, this is known as habits of consumption. Learn here how to identify them!

For a store retail to thrive, you need to find the right customers for your market and to identify the buying habits of consumersas this is an essential part of the marketing and growth of your business.

If you don't see close to the consumption habits you could be losing a lot of money in marketing and advertising efforts that don't work. To investigate the reasons why customers buy in your shop is the first step to increase sales.

In this sense, if you carry out an impartial review of the buying habits of your current customers, you can find very valuable information to understand them.

What are the habits of consumption?

The consumption habits are the trends that continue to the customers to buy products and services. These tendencies come from a variety of different factors, many of which seem obvious and unimportant.

But when you examine the buying habits keep in mind the physical and mental factors that shape the customer as such, since when you examine the habits of your customers will be able to build a marketing plan that leverages the buying habits of your target customer and generate more sales.

The retail trade it has become a chain reaction in a continuous movement, events, experiences, and reasons. The purchases have become concerning, in connection with the context, the person and the place, and have been molded in four dimensions space and time.

It can be said that shopping is no longer about what and where, but rather how and when.

Types and key habits of consumption

There are several influences that significantly affect the purchasing power of the customers to buy one or more products in a particular place.

1. Influences internal

The influences of the internal factors that affect the shopping for the customers from the consumers themselves, that is to say; the desires, needs and preferences of each one of them, which drive purchase decisions.

For example: hunger, health conditions, boredom or the desire to travel are influences of type internal.

Customers make purchase decisions based on your gender, age, location, level of education and family, among many other factors. The influences less obvious that may be affecting your customers, which include mood, social status, time of day, and cognitive functioning.

It is important to decipher what are the influences internal impact to your customers, because the identification of these will allow you to reach those who are already looking to use one or more of the products that you offer.

compradores compulsivos

2. External influences

The external influences are those factors that influence the consumption habits out of the desires and needs of the individual. The billboards, ads, social networking, celebrities, customer testimonials, and current trends are external factors that influence their purchase decisions.

The signage and branding also are outside influences that drive purchase decisions, it is advisable to use external influences to encourage the consumer to do this, identify what influences your customers ' objectives and use these external forces to get more sales.

3. Purchases are not planned

A consumer may make a purchase not planned because he sees something in the store, causing a reminder that you need something. Purchases are not planned are usually made because of a need.

4. Impulse purchases

An impulse purchase is carried out spontaneously and usually without taking into account the costs or negative consequences, they are usually motivated by the need for self-gratification, immediate.


The retail industry is no exception to the digital age that we live in and the consumption habits customers continue to evolve as consumers discover new opportunities, both online and in a physical store.

To identify the buying habits customer is advisable to use loyalty programsbecause through them provides an incentive that seeks to make the customers come back, that will provide valuable data to identify patterns in the sales and help you establish a good relationship with the customers and getting to know them better.

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