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 To anticipate, to Restructure and Innovate

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     To anticipate, to restructure and innovate, are some of the words that you hear in these times. And is that your brand, is what remains in the mind of consumers when they are finished products.

It is for this reason that in times of crisis there is no other alternative but to really take a break and start to wonder: why he was born your brand and what you can do now to regain the trust of your customers?

In a hyper-connected world and with a long time of closing of so many companies because of the pandemic, you can start to generate new ways of selling, and competition, as well as new expectations and needs of your consumers that will force you to be at the forefront and to rethink.

      Today's consumer is limited financially, and that makes him more conscious, demanding and critical. Is it possible for people to be concerned about consuming less, but of better quality.

Is it possible for people to appreciate your body more and be more selective in what they eat and in what to invest your money, so put yourself in the shoes of the other may be the first step to understand the mind of your consumer.

     Before the global crisis that has generated the COVID - 19, many companies have had to start from scratch and renew all of its structures. The fact that you have reached where you are today, to say that thou hast said well to catch the wave, but the most important thing is to keep you and know that you have the possibility of getting out unscathed from the crisis.

Here we recommend 4 actions to create presence and regain the confidence of your customers, while you get ready for the RE-OPENING.


Although, before you close your doors because half your shops with DATA, which enabled you to get to know the traffic of your branch offices, the journey of your customers, your conversion, the average time of permanence and the stock your products, among other variables ... Now your Web site and the biodiver sity newsletter, are the indispensable tools in these times to continue measuring your stores.

Take advantage of these media to convey a message and create empathy with which located in house, in back of the screen.

  • Beam surveys, so you can really know what they need and what interests them.
  • Edit your prices, you need to start to have some income.
  • I know of a transparent notify your customers of the delivery times and service schedules.


Be present to the situation, demonstrates commitment to the society, responsibility and sensitivity, as well as empathy with your followers.

People love to hear stories, you can leave, telling how the birth of your brand, what were the ways and steps that you had to take to grow; Remember that your consumers were part of that journey.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”

Maya Angelou.


Remember these in the middle of a pandemic, unless you want the people is that the bombardeen with constant ads promoting products. You try to combine the sale with content of interest, invite them to be part of your day to day activities, depending on your area it is possible that you can reinvent yourself and, who knows to create a new brand.

If you need a little inspiration, we invite you to read what you have done these companies before the crisis of Covid-19. (Multiópticas, Microsoft, Carrefour, Hearst, Uber Eats) . Source: Lukkap


It is a reality that will continue to take distancing measures in enclosed places, so that adhere to the measures of prevention is to demonstrate responsibility and concern for your customers and to employees.

There are different types of technologies that will allow you to measure the number of people within your store in real-time, as well as others that allow you to define how long to make replacement of your products, and check of cleaning in your physical space.

Now more than ever you need to give a reason for the consumer to want to visit your branch to test your products and receive good care.


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