Your business can be more productive by following our foolproof tips for to improve the ratio of attraction in a store Dare to put them to the test!
Attract more customers the store is one of the goals that most occupies the retailers, because without them the business activity carried out not would make no sense.
In this competitive industry only survive the fittest, and that means, that those who continue to maintain their doors open, there will be those retailers that put into practice all kinds of strategies seeking to satisfy their regular customers and gain potential buyers.
To achieve this objective, you should concentrate on to improve the ratio of attraction, but we first need to define this term:
The Ratio of attraction is the actual capacity of stimulating the customers so that they look persuaded to enter the store. That is to say, will depend on the application of various techniques, the power to increase this indicator that will allow to exponentially increase your sales.
A flow constant new customers will allow you to grow your retail business, that is why below we'll give you helpful hints and effective for to improve the ratio of attraction in a store. Follow these recommendations:
1. Take care of your showcase or showcase
The showcases or shop windows of the shop are the first point of attraction for many potential customers, especially if these are bystanders who have no intention of entering the store, but that may respond positively to a visual stimulus.
Make sure to constantly renew showcases of the store by applying techniques of visual merchandisingto achieve to tell powerful stories, with striking colors and a clear message to sensory level that not only make them look away, but also the impulse to enter.
2. It offers a Digital experience
The growth of online commerce is a clear indication of the harmony existing between the consumer and the digital world, so you should try to approach or even exceed the most attractive represents the digital to the interior of your physical store.
Make sure to invest in technologies such as; the artificial intelligence and/or augmented realitybecause in addition to being very useful for the retail operations, represent a very influential at the time of search, how to to improve the ratio of attraction in a store.
3. Special sales
Special offers and promotions arouse the interest of many buyers who will respond almost immediately to the impulse to buy at discounted prices, this is why this strategy represents one of the most effective ways to attract new customers.
Here is also influenced by the visual merchandisingbecause , if for example you plan to organize a flash sale, the most recommended by the experts is that the post on your showcase by using the color red, because people tend to react more quickly to this color which is associated with a danger signal.
4. Take advantage of social networks
There is huge potential of the social networks to transmit at a global level any message, his great popularity and the fact that the mobile devices to stay connected to your potential target customers 24 hours a day, make them a critical channel for to improve the ratio of attraction in a store.
It is essential to always keep up-to-date accounts of the store on social media and also the web platform, to do this you need to make sure to post interesting content, with images and videos, plus exclusive special offers, designed to loyalty to those potential customers.
5. Show the customer that you appreciate them
It is not enough simply to come to the store, but to overcome the simple action of pulling them, go the extra mile and win their loyalty. To do this put in practice loyalty programs in which your clients can see the value they represent to the store.
Your customers not only feel that they are part of an exclusive group, but also have the opportunity to save money. It is shown that this practice stimulates the transmission of positive references to through the mouth-to-mouth.
To the extent that you develop effective strategies, you'll see to improve the ratio of attraction in your store, which means that you'll see a significant increase in the conversion of passers-by into customers, and this is a very important step to further strengthen sales and work in feature to earn the loyalty of your buyers.