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Learn how to boost promotions products in retail

impulsar promociones en retail

To grow sales, it is important to implement good strategies. Discover here the best recommendations to boost the promotions products in retail.

Have a store with a wide range of products is only the first step to follow in order to consolidate your sales, as in the retail trade are looking to attract clients on a permanent basis, attracting the interest of new customers and to keep alive the fidelity of your regular customers.

Many stores characterised by the type of merchandise they sell, since in some cases makes them unique in the market, this is why it's well worth the effort in the promotion of products in the retail sector.

Pay close attention to the following recommendations as they may be the keys that you are looking for boost your sales.

Keys for promotions products in retail

1. Apply the best Visual Merchandising in your cabinets

The display cases are the first thing that a potential customer notes when traveling either with the intention to enter the store or not, that is why it is important to master the art of developing exhibits really attractive, since your potential is unlimited as to promote specific products.

Applying Visual Merchandising you can tell a story using the products and/or highlight special offers that manage to motivate consumers to purchase from your store.

2. Include your products in our gift guides

The importance of the use of internet in the society of current consumption is priceless, since the search engines have been replaced in many cases human beings in terms of being the first option in order to consult them on the best products to give away on a special occasion.

When a buyer searches google for guidance, immediately emerge hundreds of gift guides with a lot of good ideas to choose the best gift of all, which means that it is a very effective strategy for the promotion of products in the retail sector.

3. Promote in social networks

The benefits of the internet in the retail of today, they are amazing, even if you're not selling online, proof of this are the amount of new products that have emerged making use of the massification of the social networks.

Make sure that your store is a reference to well-positioned across the most popular social networks and aliméntalas with content related to the products you sell both in your physical store and online, with the purpose to give the boost they need the potential customers around the world to choose you as the best option at the time of purchase.

4. Marketing of mouth-to-mouth

This is a method that many may consider as archaic, as it is one of the more traditional ones that there are, however, the marketing of recommendation continues to be very effective, so it pays to always be.

This is to make other people talk about your products, logically, to do this you should ensure that these are quality guaranteed and preferably of brands annealed, so that it will be much easier to do than others to promote.

5. Pop-Up Tents

You can take advantage of the trend of the Pop-Up tents or also known as pop up stores for the promotion of products in retail, since that commercial spaces that last open a few days or hours, you can use them to attract customers looking for those unique items that you sell in your physical store or online.

Pop-Up tents can be run on the street, in pathways busy or on-premises that are normally not used for commercial purposes, which makes this an ideal way to showcase your products and win new customers.


For the promotions products in retail you should consider various strategies and techniques that allow you to bring greater visibility to these articles, special offers your store. It is make them shine beyond their own characteristics of utility or qualitygiving them that extra advertising that you finish to convince the customer to take the decision to buy it.

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