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Trends of the technology of computer vision, AI and machine learning.



Through e-commerce, the retail industry has made significant progress in 2020, and without a doubt, the developments will continue into 2021.

In that sense, today we see that the retailers are leveraging to incorporate new sources of technology to their business; one of them is the computer vision that allows the planning, the analysis of the behavior of consumers, attracting new customers, and the management of products in stock.

According to Intelligenxiafirms in the retail market are taking the great leap in technology with the use of neural networks and algorithms (machine learning and artificial intelligence) in their establishments to obtain demographic data, age, as well as the length of stay and tour of their customers.

This key information can be obtained with the infrastructure of video cameras already installed in the store.

With this technology, video analysis implemented in the facility , you can replace the counters of people. The algorithms allow to obtain demographic data, and of ages. In addition to recognizing the workers and deduct them. With it you will get a real traffic with even greater precision.

Technology of Computer Vision

COMPUTER VISION. This system allows you to obtain demographic data and age range of visitors in the entrance of the shop; it also has the plus of recognizing workers and deduct them.

This intelligence is able to be used in addition to measure the flow in the shops, row in the boxes (the time of care, and the rate of abandonment), maps of heat to the interior of the store, time of interaction of customers with a product and be able to segment customers.

The idea of this technology is able to measure the entire journey of the customer to the interior of our local and find on that point are presented to friction in the buying process. If the retailer is able to find and provide a solution, and that will be reflected in an increase in sales.

Today, the implementation of this technology is very accessible, similar to the cost of a 3D counter with local processing, so that either saturates the connection to the internet, and interfere with other processes for the daily local.

The company Intelligenxia has included these solutions to its portfolio, which represents a technological leap of world-class, since the world is not this type of integrated solutions.


It is evident that this crisis has had a hard impact on the retail industry, forcing companies to find ways to stay afloat with a complex scenario.

At the time of the reopening of local, companies must use all their tools to be able to reinvent themselves and adapt to the “new normal.”

At this juncture, Intelligenxia it provides the service that allows you to measure absolutely everything, the number of visitors, the tour of the customers within the store, conversion rate, the average time of permanence.

Now with the technology of cameras built-in to a computer you can start the process of machine learning, which consists of the system of neural networks through algorithms begin to recognize patterns purchase in the interior of the establishment.

MACHINE LEARNING. The cameras with the system of neural networks allows you to observe the interaction of customers with the products.

When a person crosses completely the area of counting, the captured data are sent to a server in the cloud, centralizing the information; then compared with the various indicators of capacity per square meter of the premises in question to represent the data as useful information and digestible for end users.

One of the features that make this technology one of the more interesting of recent years, is the ability of machine learning. To the extent that we generate videos or pictures of the problem and we're sorting out, we pass these classifications to the computer with the goal of teaching him what behavior is one that we are looking for.

In this way, and the more training data is of good quality, we can incorporate in the models, the better will be the accuracy achieved by the machine to interpret the problem.

The company offers a consultative service to the analysis of the results and gives recommendations actionable to improve the performance of their clients.


The control measures of sanitary and social distancing, have made thousands of enterprises to seek technological solutions to control the amount of people that are found in the same place in real time, especially, when these spaces are too large, they have multiple entrances and not possible to control it manually.

Due to the current situation, many companies chilean and peruvian decided to invest recently in software and technology infrastructure to control the flow in the physical stores.

It is for this reason that it has replaced the counter of traditional people for a digital one, which allows to monitor visitors to comply with the measures sanitaras (using masks), and social distancing in the inputs and outputs.

CAPACITY CONTROL. This innovative technology prevents crowding and allows you to have control on the amount of people that are within the establishment.

With the existing security cameras in a space it is possible to use the images to be analyzed through a computer (server) through intelligent algorithms. These allow real-time to differentiate between objects and people, including officials or customers, including men, women, or children, even particular patterns defined facial recognition. For example, you can detect if a person is or not wearing a mask.

With this technology, you can avoid crowds and have control over the amount of people who are simultaneously within the physical space.


Today, consumers from all over the world want to experience a buying faster and easier in the boxes of the retail chains (supermarkets, department stores, home stores, etc).

Even, they are willing to change setting for better service that allows them to save time and avoid stress in the long rows. And by the side of the trader, companies are looking to have boxes more productive.

OPTIMIZATION. The system measures in real time the times of care and waiting times in the pool of the box.

Given this context, Intelligenxia account with a solution that allows a retailer to measure in real time the times of care and waiting times in the pool of the box. In addition, it helps to process more transactions per hour, or minute.

This management platform for the control of waiting times and care pool of boxes, detects opportunities, improving the customer experience and issues alerts when the boxes are saturated. In this way, the customer saves time and have a more expeditious manner.


To make more efficient the operation of a point of contact, we measure the interactions or the use of spaces in order to meet the requirements due to demand. With this, they manage to optimize the resources of man-hours by up to 40%.

Through an RPA operations allows you to notify the service alert, informing the execution of a task, to perform automatic monitoring of levels of service, per-hour usage and use for long time.

PRODUCTIVITY. The supervisor digital allows you to know the number of times that the staff complies with the activities planned by measuring each cycle of time.

Example: The cleaning staff of a shopping center clean 40 times a bathroom every X amount of time. With the video analysis system can send an alert to the cleaning staff, according to the use of the bath. If no one comes in, then this should not be taken care of.




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