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Integrated information flows in retail: how do you do it?

flujos integrados en retail

In the retail trade is necessary to maintain a permanent communication to achieve the proper functioning of the strings involved, for this we use the integrated information flows in retail. Discover here their importance!

Within a company dedicated to the retail should be considered as a strategic activity for the existence of integrated information flows to improve your performance and get good results. The exchange of such information represents for the business of retail a competitive advantage to raise the level of management.

What is it?

The integrated information flows in retail they involve many activities, including the exchange of information on production, inventory, sales and in general all the processes involved in the operations of the shop or of the chain to which it belongs.

It has been proved that by using the integrated information flows it is possible to obtain significant benefits to the interweave valuable data that are transmitted between the various departments so as to maintain the same degree of knowledge and allow you to make measurements in any of the areas involved, all for the benefit of the retailer.

What is its impact on the retail?

The first thing we can note is that the integrated information flows in retail improve the coordination of all matters concerning the management process, thus avoiding the lack of communication between the parties involved.

To share the data collected to be distributed within the chain, are achieved to speed up the information flow, integrated, thus improving the efficiency and effectiveness of departmental communication, obtaining advantages in terms of the decision making immediate to respond to the changing needs of the customers.

If we compare the results obtained in those cases in which there is maintained a policy of information flow integrated, it can be seen that the use is achieved substantial improvement around the management chain of stores.

Among the improvements highlights reduction in the costs of managementthanks to minimizing delivery times of orders, as well as the management of inventory and avoid the breaks of stock.

How do you do them?

The answer is very simple, to make integrated information flows in retail the best option is the use of technology, for this purpose there are various automated systems to achieve the immediate transfer of data within and outside a company.

Through the data analysis it is possible to share the management and the demand of inventory data more quickly and economicallyin addition to providing indirect benefits that add up to increase the profitability of your business.

To use the information flows for comprehensive information within your organization of retail, you can make use of systems of database management, in conjunction with technologies for the analysis of data, to support the exchange of important information between the organizations involved in the various stages of the retail management to optimize each one of the processes.

Usually by the data flow integrated in retail information is shared for the following processes:

  1. Ordering information.
  2. Information in the field of operations and logistics.
  3. Information on inventories.
  4. Strategic information regarding the operation of the store.
  5. Strategic information to competitors.

Especially under the conditions of the retail modern, it is necessary to have these tools in order to reduce errors in the field of communication and make use of the true value of the information in benefit of your business.


In few words, we can say that the streams of information are integrated in retail they are considered as a facilitator is critical that enables the optimization a chain of retail sales.

Either own information they have collected from the daily activities of the company or if it were data of the competitors, the purpose is to to keep informed in a timely manner to all involved in the chain, with the purpose of involving to provide for the common goal which is the success of the store.

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