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The importance of the sales forecast of a company retail

prevision de ventas en retail

To be able to achieve the forecast a company's sales retail it is necessary to understand the operation of the big datain this post we teach you to get the most out of these tools.

Today we can state with certainty that information is powerbecause the permanent access to the network that kept consumers throughout the day has revolutionized the retail sector.

Digital technology and mobile so pervasive today makes that buyers are more informed than ever before, using the content and data available online for you to discover, investigate, compare, and buy products from anywhere and at any time.

Today we see the importance of the management of the Big datafor the analysis of data retailers because it can help companies stay at the forefront of the trends buyers applying the retail intelligence to discover, interpret and act on the basis of significant information, including the patterns of buyers online and in stores.

For example, the forecast a company's sales retail requires handling a lot of information and that is why it is necessary to integrate the Big data to find answers fast and accurate.

The forecast of sales in retail and the Big data

In principle, we should contextualize on which is based the forecast a company's sales retail, this type of forecasting involves using existing data to predict future events and, more specifically, the consumer behavior.

The existing data and market research vary according to the types of products sold by a retailer, but the basic means of prognosis in the retail sector follow similar patterns, even in different product lines.

Methods forecast a company's sales retail anticipate the future actions of consumers purchase when evaluating the past income and the behavior of the consumer in the months or years earlier to establish patterns and develop forecasts for the coming months.

The data were adjusted according to the seasonal trends, and then through a plan to sort and store products you can give continuity to the analysis. After the completion of the purchases and orders for current and future customers, is compared through an evaluation of the results with the previous forecasts, and subsequently repeats the whole procedure.

In retail management, the forecast a company's sales retail it serves to predict and meet the demands of consumers in the shops while you are controlling the prices and the inventory.

Maintain an excess of inventory adds to the overall costs of a company, but the prognosis helps the retailer to to meet the demands of the client to better understand the purchasing patterns of consumersthe most efficient use of the shelves and the exhibition space within the local is the result, in addition to the optimal use of the spaces intended for the inventory

The Big data analyze effectively large volumes of diverse data and help companies to retailers to better understand the demand of the customers. The application of the retail intelligence through solutions-oriented software retail trade makes shopping more relevant, personalized and convenient, which can help you to sell more and increase consumer loyalty.

The importance of the use of the Big data for the forecast a company's sales retail it is in the countless advantages of the power of the data processing with the aim to obtain results much more reliable and immediate.


The forecast a company's sales retail help business owners, retailers and to the administration of these to maximize and extend the long-term benefits. The forecast heightened with the use of the Big data  allows the adjustments of prices correspond with the current level of spending patterns of the consumer.

Helping you to maintain and manage an inventory sufficient, but moderate to satisfy the need without being excessive, which will also add to the long-term profits in the industry of retail.

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