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5 keys to email marketing campaigns in retail

email marketing retail

To communicate with your target audience is advisable to develop email marketing campaigns in retaila strategy designed to help you convert potential customers. Get to know your 5 keys in this post!

As a retailer you're always in search of new strategies and tools that allow you to attract and retain customers, it is for this reason that in Analytic Retailwe are always there to give you recommendations that may help you meet your goals.

Today we want to show you the enormous potential of e-mail as tool to connect your business with customers, being able to reach new markets through a simple and low-cost.

It is estimated that by the year 2020, the use of email to increase in the united States to 254.7 million, a figure that reflects the massive use of this service. For this reason, we have developed 5 keys that will help you in your email marketing campaigns in retail:

1. Determine your audience

It is important to start your email marketing campaigns in retail you have to define what will be your target audience and knowing their demographic characteristics and buying habits.

To the extent that the better you know your audience, you create greater amount of e-mail persuasive. For this, it is recommended to segment the mailing list and to design the message adapted to the different sections of the audience.

2. What is your goal?

You must define the purpose of your marketing campaign by e-mail in function of achieving your success, whether your goal is to increase sales, reduce sales cycles, or to attract a greater amount of traffic to your website and/or social networks.

It is essential that you achieve create content that matches your goals and can meet the expectations of your audience.

3. Create a mailing list

To successfully start your email marketing campaigns in retail it is necessary to have a list of e-mail addresses. To achieve collect is necessary to provide readers with interesting content and ask them for their email so that they can receive new updates.

It is recommended to have several channels are simultaneously active to improve the rates of subscribers. Once this is accomplished a good number of subscribers, then you can thank people for joining your list and proceed to classify each one of your potential customers.

4. Develop content of interest

Usually the emails are opened only in those cases in which the subject line piques the interest of the receiver. Therefore, it is crucial to make the content of the subject is clear, concise, interesting, and compelling, all at the same time.

The failure of your email marketing campaigns in retail may be limited to the simple fact of not having paid attention to the wording of the line of the mail, making it not attractive, which brings as a consequence that all the work done will be lost.

4. Call to action

It's very positive to incorporate a call to action in your email campaign marketing, with the purpose of guiding your readers to encourage them to complete the desired task, that is to say motivate you to purchase in your store through any of your favorite channels.

To achieve the best results you can offer discounts and promotions for a limited time, which can lead to a reaction much faster on the part of a potential client.


In the networked society today, email is an excellent way to keep your customers up to date with the latest from the shopsharing promotions and thus improving your sales.

To ensure the best results in your email marketing campaigns in retail, it is important to personalize your emails and make them friendly to not only a computer but also for devices mobile today.

To measure results, don't forget to constantly check analysis to verify the open rate of your emails, as well as the clicks and subscriptions that are made in each period.

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