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Click and Collect: what is this strategy retail?

Click and Collect

If you're looking for a new way to satisfy your customers then pay close attention to the Click and Collecta new trend that is imposed on the world of retail.

If you are a follower of Analytic Retail then you're well aware of the intense work carried out retialers all over the world to transform the ways of doing business and to meet the changing needs of its customers.

Surely many times your customers we have been overwhelmed by responsibilities at work and home, with very little time to go to the store, taking as the only alternative to the delegate to any other person the completion of purchases.

However, you do not always have a third party that will give them the hand and the client will search for an alternative that will end up away from your store.

Fortunately things have changed and the retailer has become that friend willing to to simplify and enrich more and more each day the purchase experience of its customers.

What is Click and Collect?

With the growth of the online shoppingretailers must be able to be more competitive and be able to connect and respond to the needs of the customer modern, this is why it has emerged the Click and Collect, as a solution that integrates the online channel along with the physical store to give as a result a great shopping experience.

The Click and Collect it is very simple, but effective, is that the customer do their shopping from home, at work or any place through your mobile device, which will be processed by the staff of the branch of their choice for that the buyer can move comfortably at the time of your election to withdraw his request.

In this way, the customer won't have to spend extra money for the delivery service, or get tied up in his home during a specific time band in hopes that you are delivered your products.

This means comfort for the consumer, full freedom of choice, and in summary a great shopping experience.

The Click and Collect it allows you to close the gap traditionally existing between the channels of interaction with the store and add a new supply chain to the business of e-retail. Its main advantages are;

1. Flexibility

The customer is always looking for flexibility and this element achieved by use of the Click and Collect. Using this method you avoid many risks associated with the sending packages direct to the home, being the most attractive option available for those consumers are eager for more flexibility, since can remove their purchases at the time that suits them best.

2. High demand

The Click and Collect it seems to be here to stay, and this is evidenced by the high demand for the use of this service, which recorded the retail stores, since it will be the perfect complement to such a large segment of buyers who enjoys the e-commerce but at the same time of the physical experience.

3. Stimulates the additional purchases

The studies corroborate the fact that it is much more likely that a customer that collects personally in the shop, your packages do additional purchases compared with those who receive their orders direct to the door of his house.

4. Reduces waiting times

The selection of the list of products and the payment in-line, make the process of buying faster and much more rewarding for the customer, who no longer will have to travel corridors or display many bookshelves in search of what you want.


Buy online and pick up in-store it is a trend that grows rapidly in the world of retail and alert them to the retailers Latin americans to take precautions to not stay behind.

The customers in the world have shown that they enjoy the experience of making click and collect, which has enabled a growth in the sales ratios and in addition to the strengthening of the fidelity, the product of the satisfaction of the needs of the client.

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